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Life and home insurance

Exclusive range of life and home insurance products

You just found THE perfect home? You know, the one with your dream kitchen or the big garage? Congratulations! Now is the time to get the mortgage for your lifestyle and the insurance that meets your needs. When you choose Multi-Prêts for your mortgage, you gain access to our exclusive SimplInsur insurance program.  Why go without? Contact us!

Benefits of our life insurance

No charge for up to 6 months

Exclusivity: you make no insurance payments between your mortgage approval and the notary*


The insurance amount is non-decreasing: it’s not just your mortgage balance that is covered.

You choose your beneficiaries

Indemnity is paid to your beneficiaries, not to your creditors. They can use the amount for another purpose.

Home and Auto Insurance

Because the perfect home needs the perfect insurance, get a quote with Simplassur

Because the perfect home needs the perfect insurance.