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Our mortgage rates

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Fixed rate

1 Year


3 Year


5 Year


7 Year


Variable rate



* Some conditions apply. Subject to change without prior notice. Rates may vary according to the amount borrowed, your credit rating, guarantees offered and other factor. Please refer to your Multi-Prêts broker for more information.

Our mortgage calculators

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What will my mortgage payment be?


Should I refinance?


Should I rent or buy?


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broker for you

We've put together a wealth of information on the different aspects of mortgages and real estate. Whether you're a first-time buyer or a seasoned investor, we've got content for you. Want to know more about a topic? Contact one of our brokers who will be happy to help.

More efficient than a bank

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Our approach

  • Fast approval
  • Flexible eligibility requirements
  • A single credit check
  • Advice tailored to your needs
  • Wide range of mortgage financing options

The banks

  • Approval according to their qualification criteria
  • Stricter eligibility requirements
  • One credit check per bank
  • Advice on available products
  • Limited financing options

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